Call for granting ok heathlands
The Union of Municipalities of Pratomagno, as an associated beneficiary of LIFE GRANATHA, is responsible for the procedure for granting land for the start of an economic activity related to the production management of the heathlands, as provided for in the C4 action of the LIFE project.
The Union of Municipalities therefore intends to carry out a survey aimed at identifying subjects/economic operators interested in the concession in question through the receipt of an expression of interest (downloadable below).
Those who will participate in the expression of interest will be involved in information and training activities related to the LIFE GRANATHA Project, to the planning and management tools of the production of broom heathers, as well as to the operational methods of processing and marketing the products of the supply chain.
The deadline for the presentation of the expression of interest is set for 12:00 am on 03.04.2018.
Download the documents to present the manifestation of interest: