LIFE GRANATHA at XI SISEF National Congress

LIFE GRANATHA at XI SISEF National Congress

LIFE Granatha participated with an exhibition stand at the XI National Congress of the Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology, which was held in Rome from 10 to 13 October 2017. It was an opportunity to meet and compare researchers, institutions and society on the most current issues in the forestry sector.
It has been discussed about: – the culture of multifunctionality and the value of ecosystem services; – to put into the system the scientific innovations that can help the best practices already existing in the production, defense, protection and conservation of traditional knowledge and landscapes, biodiversity, water and the soil itself; – adaptation and mitigation and our responsibility in global changes; – make a contribution to redesign the role and competence of the institutions; – indicate tracks for the environmental balance and the socio-economic well-being of the lands that characterize the forest geography of our country, which is the weakest one, of the Inner Areas and of the mountain; – disclose the outgoing data, identify the shortcomings, recover the missing knowledge and put them at the service of all.